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What is Global Classrooms?
Model UN simulates the actual United Nations. Students discuss current world issues including human rights, refugess, crime prevention, drug trafficking, and economic development. Once a Model UN simulation begins, you are no longer a student, you are the embassador 'from another country in a United Nations committee. Sounds exciting?
After learning the basics about the UN, you are ready to take the first step toward becoming a Model UN delegate. Working as a team in researching, brainstorming ideas, and providing each other with feedback early in your preparation will help you with your conference performance. Delegates (so you) should start by researching the following:
- The country you are representing
- Your committee's topics
- Work of the UN related to the committee and the country
STEP 1: Researching the country you are assigned:
You need to understand the basic facts about the country you will represent, such as:
Foreign Relations
STEP 2: Committee Topics
What is a background guide?
A background guide is information provided by the conference to give a basic introduction to the committee topics. It will give you a direction to start your research.
What is a position paper?
After you research, you will then write a one-two page "position paper"outlining your country's policy on the committee topic. Position papers will often be the basis of your first speech. Just like any paper for school, a position paper has three sections:
1. Introduction: History of your country's involement with the topic.
2. Body: Disscusion of your country's policies on the topic, including why each policy was chosen over other policies.
3. Conclusion.
An example of a position paper:
STEP 3: Acting like a diplomat
This is where your diplomacy skills play a major role:
- Learn to listen, in order to understand the position of the other countries.
- Avoid raising your voice. A raised voice does not give you authority.
- Respect other delegates.
- Do not compete, COOPERATE.
- "Separate people from the problem". Do not take it as a personal attack.
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